Shamanic Lance

Regular price Min. Bid $400.00 CAD

A staff adorned with many skins, bones, claws, tails and teeth to attract the energy of chaos. The head of the lance I knapped from a piece of local Lake Superior agite and is affixed to the shaft with pine pitch and deer sinew. This item has been used in ritualistic practices and should be treated very carefully as the had is quite sharp.

    Shamanic Lance
    About the Artist

    Matt DiCarlo

    Matt is a small time Paleo, neo, and Mesolithic artist. His focus is tools, artifacts and artistic renderings of actual found artifacts. This includes scientific hypotheses of what our early ancestors might have created. Matt’s art is created in the most traditional way possible to ensure authenticity as well as functionality. Along with artifacts, Matt creates esoteric neo occultist folk witchcraft (Black Magick). He crafts altar tools and other objects that may be used in ritualistic or ceremonial practice.