1G Series: Fibonacci’s Storm
Regular price $200.00 CADGOD TRIP - SERIES
From micro atomic to macro galactic.
In collaboration with Lannie Lê, Business & Life Partner
“...Spirals and helices are found throughout the natural world, in many forms, at every scale of existence: in spider-webs, galaxies and particle track, in animal horns, sea-shells, plant structures, and DNA. It is clearly one of nature's favorite patterns. Logarithmic (or growth) spirals are the most intriguing and complex of all, particularly the ‘golden’ spiral that is associated with the Fibonacci series. Logarithmic spirals in general have the property of self-similarity, i.e., of looking the same at every scale.”
- David Wade, Symmetry The Ordering Principle
Gold: Fibonacci Golden Ratio
White: Infinite Spiral
Background Pattern: Lines based on patterns found in The Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain (1302).
Photo: Low off Iceland, Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC
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Vinyl on gatorboard
18" x 18”